Hypnotherapy as a Treatment for Internet Addiction
The Internet has changed the way we socialize, access information, and entertain ourselves with games, chat rooms, social media, social networking, and web apps. Internet usage, social media usage and gaming are similar in their effects on the brain and can remain harmless if they are controlled and used in moderation. However, when they are out of control and are classified as addictions they can be harmful and, in certain cases, may lead some people to neglect their everyday life responsibilities.
Certain individuals feel an overpowering urge to always know 24-7-365 what is happening with other people and over-share details via Facebook, Twitter, personal blog and various other online portals. The behavior begins to function as serious addiction.
How Do You Overcome Internet Addiction?
The term Internet Addiction, or Problematic Internet Use, covers a number of different problems and issues, all of which involve compulsive computer use that interferes with daily life. Because many of us spend much of our time in front of computers for work, it can be hard to identify Internet addiction, but if your computer time is causing trouble with your:
Family and Friends
Internet addiction encompasses online:
Gambling Addiction
Compulsive Web Searching
Uncontrollable Social Media and Networking
Obsessive Computer Game Playing
Cybersex Addiction
Cyber Relationship Addiction
If an individual is unable to get their computer / smartphone use under control on their own, and it is becoming problematic, hypnotherapy can help them get a handle on it and work with their subconscious mind to make positive changes in their life and break free from the constraints of online addiction.
What Are the Signs of Internet Addiction?
When we watch TV, surf the web, or play on our smartphones, we go into a mild trance state. When we’re in a trance, our subconscious mind is open. This allows images, sounds, and emotions to come right in and attach themselves to the framework of our belief system – causing all kinds thought processes.
Gaming, internet, and social media addictions of all kind are becoming a defining feature of the challenges of modern living for people of all ages and from all walks of life. Unfortunately, due to the many ways in which computers are used regularly (e.g., work, communication, gathering information, etc.), it can be difficult to determine exactly when normal becomes problematic. So, what are the signs that Internet use may be a problem?
Needs to use Internet with increased amounts of time to find satisfaction
Has made unsuccessful attempts to cut back or control Internet use
Is restless, irritable, moody or depressed when attempting to cut back on Internet use
Has given up other activities such as meeting with friends due to Internet or gaming.
Has jeopardized or risked the loss of a significant relationship, job, educational or career opportunity because of the Internet.
Has lied to family members or others to conceal the extent of involvement with the Internet.
Uses the Internet as a means of escaping from problems.
As with other addictions, problems with computer use may be a sign of other life problems (interpersonal, family, emotional, scholastic, educational, marital), and can often serve as a response to or an escape from the stress of such problems.
Internet Addiction Treatment, How Can I Get Help?
Do you find yourself in front of a screen gaming or surfing for several hours a day, unable to stop, unwilling to move? Perhaps you're noticing you're missing out on a lot of time with family and friends? When Internet use, Social Media, or Gaming becomes excessive and uncontrollable it can have devastating consequences on family, career, school, and your social life.
Treating Internet addiction with hypnosis is similar to treating any other addiction. Internet addiction treatment is treated as a behavioral disorder, characterized by poorly controlled obsession with, or behaviors of, Internet use. Seeking help before things get out of control can be one of the most important decisions a person and/or their family can make. Through systematic desensitization in a hypnotic state, the hypnotherapist can alleviate the intense desires for online stimulation.
What is Addiction to Social Media?
The last few years have produced a conflicting batch of studies about the impact that social media has on our well-being. Among their findings:
The more we use Twitter, the worse we feel.
Facebook ruins relationships.
Facebook makes us feel bad about ourselves.
Being active on Twitter can make us feel less lonely.
As Americans become increasingly reliant on websites like Facebook and Twitter, a new type of Internet addiction is emerging. Large numbers of people are starting to show signs of addiction to social media sites, which experts say could have a serious impact on their lives.
What Are The Symptoms of Social Media Addiction?
It’s no secret that drugs cause addictions, and there’s a possibility that technology is causing or at least contributing to new addictions as well. We’re speaking of one addiction in particular: social media addiction. Like other addictions, it can be hard to differentiate between people who are addicted to social media and people who simply abuse it or use it often. Yet, also like other addictions, it has specific symptoms that cause problems in addicts’ lives!
Nevertheless, clinical psychologists maintain that social media addiction is real, and claim to have documented hundreds of cases of it. Like other addictions, social media addiction disorder includes symptoms such as:
Overconsumption: The internet is part of almost everybody’s life, and it’s perfectly normal to browse the Web for a while. But overconsumption sacrifices relationships, money, and other aspects of life.
Obsession: Like the alcoholic or drug addict who’ preoccupied with alcohol or drugs when he’s not drinking, or using, social media - Internet addicts cannot stop thinking about it during the rare moments when they’re not online.
Consequences: Addicts will continue in their compulsive behavior even after facing consequences in their finances, as well as their social and professional lives.
Social Media Addiction: Is It Real?
Social Media addiction is a relatively new theory. Only within the past decade has social media existed, and addiction to it hasn’t been the subject of much study in this time frame. However, it often does become an addiction, and like any other addiction, help is available – in example, a program of hypnotherapy sessions involving hypnosis.
Video Game Addiction
For most of us, the computer and Internet are essential tools of our daily lives. For many adolescents and adults, both male and female spending time on the computer means playing online video games; over 90% of young adults do it, and over 50% of adults do it, and 36% of adults over 55 do it.
Video Game Addiction, Internet Gaming Disorder, and the countless other terms being used to describe the phenomenon of excessive, frequent and varied digital media consumption – video game addiction and the inability to stop gaming is a real condition that affects teens and adults. Subsequently, help for addiction to video gaming is available through hypnosis and we have found success in treatments with hypnotherapy.
Is Video Game Addiction a Real Thing?
Gaming and Internet addiction is often misunderstood or unacknowledged, but it is every bit as serious as more "mainstream" addictions or self-destructive behaviors like drugs, alcohol or gambling. More importantly, it is just as treatable with hypnotherapy.
Treatment for video game addiction focuses on behavioral modification, such as hypnosis, that guide the client away from the obsessive thought patterns and obsessive habits of addiction through hypnotherapy. Many people find themselves asking the question "Do I need treatment" before they finally decide to see a hypnotherapist. This may be the wrong question to ask. "Could I benefit from gaming addiction treatment?" is a better way to think about it.
What Are The Symptoms of Someone Who is Addicted to Video Games?
The number of hours spent gaming is not the best measure of problem severity. Instead, you need to assess the negative impact your video game use is having on your work, school studies, relationships, or psychological well-being. Also, just because there are people you know who are “addicted” even more than you doesn't mean that you cannot address your own difficulties.
How Do You Stop Video Game Addiction?
Because computers and video games are involved as opposed to drugs or alcohol, it is understandable that people tend to look the other way and to minimize the idea that a potential problem exists. In most cases, when it comes to Video Game Addiction the goal is more moderate and healthy use, and not complete elimination. Hypnotherapy has proven to be extremely effective in moderating and greatly reducing if not eliminating these various online addictions.
In summary, we have found significant improvement in clients and patients using hypnotherapy to treat these new addictions. Through the use of systematic desensitization and the creation of new subconscious associations, hypnosis and hypnotherapy and proving to be powerful tools the treatment of this powerful and often debilitating addiction.